God's timing!

on 9/18/07 2:58 pm - Luverne, AL
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful and prosperous day!! Have you ever wondered why God takes so long to answer our prayers or why His schedule is different than yours!! Well, the answer is simple, GOD KNOWS BEST!! He knows the right timing of when things should happen AND He also knows how much we are able to handle at one time. I have, at times, gotten impatient with him on more than one occasion! So what would I do?? I would try to get things going in MY timing and boy would things become a mess!! I would push open doors, trying to get things in my life to move quicker and that made my life miserable. I was rushing ahead of God's timing and things were a disaster. Especially if God had revealed something to me He wanted me to do. I would sometimes jump ahead and things wouldn't work out because it was ME trying to organize it, not God. Now over time I have and still are learning this principle to WAIT! Its difficult, but when God opens a door for you, He's not only opening the door, He is expecting you to walk through it!!! If he opened a door too soon, we would just stand there, look at it and not know how to handle the situation or how to go through it! So He knows when we are ready for the next opportunity, season, phase in our life and when that time comes, the door is opened to us!! All we have to do is 1) choose to walk through it 2)actually walk through it!! Wait a minute, we have a decision to make! Yes!! You can either choose to do God's will, or not!! Like I said, God knows when we are ready to go through that door!! In Galations 6:9, God encourages us to not become weary or faint for in due season, the right time, we will reap a harvest. In Hebrews 10:35-36, it talks about persevering and in due time you will receive what has been promised!! AMEN!! Is there something in your life you have been waiting for?? Has God showed you something he wants you to do?? The Answer: Wait on him and He will give you the desires of your heart! He will open the door in the right time! I encourage all of you to take this time and completely surrender yourself to him, get to know him, enjoy spending time with him. So when that day comes, and God only knows this, you will be prepared!! Afterall, He knows when you will be!! Have a Blessed, Peaceful, Prosperous day!! Hugs, Lucy
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