Wednesday Coffee Talk
Good Wednesday morning ya'll. Time to rise and shine. Gotta spray those pits and eat those grits! It's wake up time!
Our challenge today is to learn to focus on quality. What do I mean? Learn to focus on the quality of the situation, the moment, the good things. Don't focus on the trouble or the bad things. Focus on the quality of the good points. When you focus on quality, the good comes out. When you focus on quality, you realize there is more good than bad. Quality in everything out weighs the bad. What it all boils down to is to focus on the good things and not the bad. Plain and simple! Can ya tell I am challenging myself this morning?
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? The flavor of the day is Hazelnut Cream. OH WOW!! This is my FAVORITE flavor. It's so good. What are you sipping this morning?
Ya'll have a wonderful Wednesday as you focus on the quality! The good! It will always out weigh the bad! I promise!
Hi Randall. I see that you left me a message. I don't know if it's the OH site or my computer but I am unable to open it. I hope you are well. I feel terrible that I haven't had a chance to get on regularly these days. My hats are off to school teachers....the first of any school year is a headache. I hope that soon everything will smooth out. Plus, ya' know, I am taking 15 hours in an effort to get my BSN by May 08. I'm taking three online nursing classes and a history class independent study. It's killing me. BUt not all is bad....I'm enjoying my newest granddaughter especially! They have been visiting a lot and my son-in-law put up a porch swing on our large oak tree in the back yard. I bought the swing when I was in North Carolina. He coated it real good with Thompson's water seal. I love my porch swing. Our days are still very, very hot, but the evenings are getting breezy and a little cooler. I'm still enjoying my cafe con leche (x 2) every morning.
I will try again to open your message. Take care. Hope to get on the forum again tomorrow. .....U R still in my prayers!