Verse for the Day - Sept 7th
James 1:12
Blessed is a man who preseveres under trial; for once he as been approved, he will recieve the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
Thank You Lord for promising us the crown of life. Because you have promised it - I can believe it. I can believe that all things are temporary, except your words and promises. You alone are the truth on which I stand. You alone are the anser tomy unasked questions. You alone are the caregiver to my soul and the prize I strive to obtain. You are my all in all. You are my everyething. You are my one true joy. Thank you for being more than I can describe. Amen.
Sally...I just read this Sat morning and thanks....yes we will see the Lord's deliverance one way or the other for He does sleep or slumber bu****ches and knows all about the trials we go through and He is the Only One able to do one thing about them on our behalf and what is that He wants to help us in our time of need! What a wonderful God we have.
Iin His mercy and grace,
Joan M