Update on Air conditioning
I called the heating and air company that did the original inspection and he will check his files for any notes about the condition of the outside of the unit...but it is working now!!!! Our realtor recommended a friend of theirs and he came to give 2nd opinion and said it still had pressure and he filled it with freon. And it is cool in here now. He charged me $50.00 but I praise the Lord. He said the technician left the valve cap off where the freon goes and it was low but not out of freon. He does not think it has major leak like they said and said the holes he saw would not cause that. Now I need wisdom what to do next. Since the service guy from AHS said the system was not able to be repaired. And AHS accused us of doing wrong.
Thanks so much everyone for praying!!
In Him Who meets our needs....Joan M
WooHooo! Praise God!! He is so faithful!! Definitely, God will give you wisdom about the next step. Remember, Justice belongs to the Lord and he will reveal the truth of the situation to those that need to see it!! Amen!! Maybe you could have the person who gave you the second opinion and fixed the problem write something up to show them what he did. This may help you out and set the record strait!
God Bless and Hugs,