Daily Prayer Requests 31st August 2007
Good am all,
Thanks for the prayers and thoughts on/for my sis. Last pm later in the evening we spoke and although in pain she was doing a bit better and true to how we are (hardheaded) she was cooking dinner in some pain. Time will tell and this am will reveal how much better she may be feeling. Please continue those prayers for her. In addition, many prayers for all of you that you might be able to get through what ever issues are plaguing you. Remind yourself to smile, that you are alive and that you are loved.
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!
OK I am usually not discouraged easily but I am really heavy laden today. Our riding lawn mower is broken, our weed eater broke and our dryer broke and last night our A/C died. Now all these things while trying to sell your home is not easy to deal with and my husband is not mechanically inclined. A/C hopefully will be repaired today, waiting for confirmation call from them, dryer is last on the list. Lawn mower and weed eater hopefully this weekend if we can find someone to help us. And the people that were supposed to look at our house yesterday, cancelled. I just ant to crawl in bed until these trials pass but I know the Lord is still on the throne and I am looking up in spite of the chaos. Because my hope is in Him and not in these trials, these momentary afflications that try to defeat me. I will calll upon the Lord Who is worthy to be praised and thank Him for these trials because they are working something in me that could not done w/o them. So in everything I will praise His Holy Name.
I would love your prayers though for protection from the enemy and devourer who comes to seek, steal and destroy.
In His love and still resting in Him,
Joan M
Joan, I just had to say that I can totally understand where you are coming from. I feel like we are being attacked. My dh lost his job right before Thanksgiving last year, then over Christmas we found out momma had cancer, then it took Paul until May to find another job and it pays about $14,000 less than the previous job and medical insurance is a lot higher with this company so we haven't got medical insurance yet and then momma has had problems because her immune system was so low from chemo....and oh well....lets just say it has been hard. We are trying to buy a place and having a hard time getting a loan. My brother was burglarized and my sister has had her own problems. I think satan is just attacking but you know what, I'm holding onto my Savior Jesus Christ because I know HE will get us through all this. Someone asked me how I was holding up through all this and I told them, you know the woman who was hemorrhaging in the bible and she knew if she just touched Jesus' robe, she would be healed. Well, I'm not just touching His robe, I'm holding onto His robe. We will get through this Joan and we will be stronger for it. I love you and will keep you in my prayers.
Shel as I am typing this the service tech is fixing the A/C and since we have American Home Shield (home warranty) and it just clicked on. Peaise the Lord. I know you have been through it for sure...but God is able to bring us through. I will continue to pray for you and your family.
Love ya and thanks for you love inr eturn.
MANY prayers coming your way! I know that there are times when everything is falling apart around us and we often ask "what next?" Its hard I do know that and my hope is things are slowly and even one by getting fixed/coming together. Keep your chin up and have faith. I do believe everything happens for a reason. Do give things to God. All best & many hugs - Kat
Family of Believers! Wow we are all being attacked. My brother has colon cancer - they removed it last week, but he got the news that it is the most aggressive form of the stuff so I am sceduled in Oct to have a screening. So my prayer is that I am "good" and that my brother heals .
Keep up the praise and give God the glory - drives Satan CRAZY! Love you all - Sally