Thursday Coffee Talk
Good morning! I hope you slept good. Man, I sure did! Time to get up and going now though. Are ya ready for a GREAT day? Ready to make today the BEST day of your life?
Our challenge today is to learn that we are not perfect. No one is. We can't be perfect no matter how hard we try. Of course we are to "try" to be, but we'll never succeed. You are going to make mistakes. Those around you are going to make mistakes. DO NOT expect your loved ones, coworkers, or anyone else to be perfect either. You are setting yourself up for discouragement if you yourself try to be perfect or if you expect those around you to be so. Stop trying to be perfect. You'll never make it! Not being harsh, just REAL! Lord knows I'm not perfect. I was talking to a good friend on the phone last night and we both agreed, if we can't laugh at ourselves, everyone esle will! So, laugh at your mistakes! Your bound to make a few!
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? The flavor today is Maxwell House regular blend. Nothing like it!
I hope you have a wonderful, blessed, and REAL day today!
Randall ![](