First weigh in/post op visit
Hey all,
Yesterday, Friday the 17th was my first post op. I FINALLY got my drain out, uuuugggghhhh felt really weird, but WOW do I feel like a different person since it came out. I was actually able to walk an entire time around the block and before i could only make it down the street!!!!
I am now starting pureed diet, love it, I am being really creative and its nice to eat something with flavor to it.
I was soooooo scared to get weighed, I did not know what to expect so I was just hoping it was down. Wow, was it down, 14lbs in 12 days I was blown away and so grateful to the Lord to see this surgery already paying off.
I went out and bought new make up and realized I really want to start taking care of myself.
The hardest thing is the head hunger. I honestly was not prepared for how intense it can be. It will hit me out of now where too.
What I realized about myself this last week is that I was much more a compulsive eater than I realized. I had myself fooled into thinking it was more about my body not able to lose weight and in the last week I realized is that I was not able to stop eating and as stupid as this sounds this is the first time I really owned that and accepted it.
I am ready to go to a support group meeting and am hoping to go to one with my friend and angel Cindy.
Anyway, I am Praising the Lord for his increadible work and grace that He as always provides a way for us. He provieds increadible medicatons for those of us who need it , this surgery to save our lives, which really wasn't readily available until 10 years ago or so. I just feel blessed, gloriously blessed.
My prayer is that all of you will feel/be as blessed as I feel and am blessed.
Love to all
Good Morning Trish,
Wow moments are always interesting. I remember the day I confessed to myself and God that I was fat because I had no self-control. The moment it came out of my mouth God convicted me of my lie. The reality of it is that I had self-control - evidenced by the fact that I did not smoke anymore, I did not screw around on my husband, I was not a shop lifter, I did not ram my car into someone who made me angry on the road - you get my picture I am sure. Self Control was something I used when it suited my purpose. I was fat because instead of turning to the Lord to fill me up - I turned to food to celebrate, cry, rejoice, complain, (you fill in the blank!). What the surgery did for me was give me an opportunity to get God back into my life and a window of opportunity to get the sin out of my life. My sin was killing me. I can say with all honesty that I was fat because I put something before my God. Now when I get out of control (and yes it can happen even with the surgery) I come to this site and pray with my friends and ask God to put me to my knees. Soemtimes God has really put me to my knees - as in throwing up because I foolishly ate something to fast - LOL, but God is good. He always picks me up and sends me back into the battle. You will find a lot of amazing things about yourself during the next few months. I urge you to really find a support group that treats the soul and not just our surgery. Mine is this board and a church sponsored "Celebrate Recovery". It has been instrumental in my seach for a closer walk with Jesus. Love Sally