
Daily Prayer Requests 14th August 2007

Kitty Kat
on 8/13/07 9:03 pm - Richmond, VA
Good am all, Let us continue to pray for the many requests we've currently got and add to it a few others. I've got 2 friends - one who has a hubs and the other a son in the war. Both have been through trying times and them and their families need our prayers. In addition, please continue to pray for my mom and her shoulder. Seems as if things are getting better there time will tell. My sister with her back as she is seeking a 2nd opinion on Friday regarding what path to take. Please say some prayers for my girls as we make our way to their check ups this am. We've been fighting these summer colds w/ asthma as well so hopefully things go smoothly as last night they both slept through the night for once in about a week. I am patiently waiting on some fundage to come my way and it is greatly wanted/needed so if you would ask that it be expedited so that I may take care of some important issues. YOU are in my thoughts and prayers! Have a great Tuesday! Kat
Just Valena
on 8/13/07 9:13 pm - Nunyabizness
My prayer requests are for today: 1. That they figure out what is up with Mallory and her fevers. 2. That my hubby's FINAL interview (the 4th) goes well today so that he can finally have a job that he likes and is excited about. 3. That I get the promotion that I put in for. 4. That we are able to move into a great place that we found. Many of these prayers I know will not be answered quickly but I do meditate on them all daily. Valena
Patricia R.
on 8/13/07 10:53 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Kat, Please pray I find a nice dress, reasonably priced for my son's wedding. Continue to pray for Bob and Ruth. Ruth's brother-in-law died, so her 51 year old sister is newly widowed. Bob may be transferred to a skill center at the end of this week. Pray for my cousin, who endangered her mom's health this past weekend. Debbie is bipolar and off her meds. She does not think she is mentally ill because she went to a healing camp and believes she is cured. Thanks, Trish
on 8/13/07 11:15 pm - Luverne, AL
Please pray that I will have an answer soon on my insurance approval so that I can schedule my first visit with the surgeon and get a surgery date!! Also, please pray for my dad, he is having a rough time now and is battling deep depression. He sees his PCP on Friday for possible antidepressents and such. You are all in my prayers and I pray blessings over each and everyone of you in Jesus Name! AMEN!! Thanks! ~Hugs~ Lucy
Pat F.
on 8/14/07 9:48 am - Richmond, VA
Please pray for my father who had his 4th shot in is eye and they are going to start a new medicine next month since this on did not work. He still has alot of fluid in his eye, He is very depressed and thinking that life is not worth it. I am trying to get him to see that it is worth it and to keep his chin up. My shoulder is a little better but we will see how that goes. Like Kat said we are all battling colds and my throat feels really bad.I am also trying to get a promotion at work so with God's help I will get it.