
I am home, on the losers bench and praising God

Patricia Hagmaier
on 8/9/07 9:21 am - Wehonah, NJ
Hey everyone, I got home this afternoon, and other than being really sore I am doing great. My surgery day was a nightmare. I was supposed to have surgery at 2:15pm and didn't get into the operating room until 6:30pm, and then the surgery took 1 hour longer because of adhesions and fortunately he did not have to open me up all the way, even though it feels like it LOL. I am trying to stick to walking 5 minutes 2 times a day and I am doing well with my liquid diet. I realized, don't know why I didn't think of this before, my brain is in a way different place than my body. It still things I have a normal stomach and wants normal food. I don't know why it took me by surprise its not like they did a labotomy or something, but it was a good wake up call to the fact that I need to go to meetings and change my brain so I make sure I keep what I lose off for life. For those of you who commented on my Care Page, thank you it means so much to me. I had a couple really bad days in the hospital and to know that people were praying for me and thinking of me meant so much. I love you all dearly and am forever grateful this place is here. Love Trish
on 8/9/07 1:58 pm - Washougal, WA
I posted on your Care Page but will say HI here too. So glad you are home and doing well. Take it easy and take good care of yourself. I'm sure there will be lots of head work to do, but just take it one step at a time and you'll overcome. Keeping you in prayer. Karen
Joan M.
on 8/9/07 11:07 pm - Lexington County, SC
Trish if I can just say that yes you do need to go to support meetings...and converse with people who had WLS because that will help you to remember it is a stomach sugery not brain surgery. That is where the training comes in and is for a lifetime. We should never think we can or should eat like before. That got us in trouble...right? So now we have to use this tool and the new training so we can be a good statistic for WLS and not one that gains all the weight back. But with that said...this tool works and support is great when we take advantage of it and with setting up good daily eating and exercising plans we can be successful. You can do this!!! So glad in spite of the hurddles that you are doing well. And "welcome" to the Losers Bench! I scooted over for you and there is always room...must be one long bench! In His love, Joan M
on 8/10/07 8:23 am - Sunny South, FL
Oh Trish, Praise God. It sounds like, for now, you have a handle on things. You acknowledge that your brain seems to function independently of your stomach.....that's a huge step, believe me. And, the exercise.....that is exactly how I did it....from the begininning, it may have been limited, but my activity was consistent early on post op. Hugs and prayers my friend..... luvitsunnyv