Daily Prayer Requests 1st August 2007
Good am all,
Please say prayers for a dear connection of mine who burnt his hand yesterday (2nd degree) while working that his hand heals swiflty and right. He also plays in a Christian band and their music is wonderful! Please continue to pray for me and some things I am facing/dealing with. Its a new day with new opportunities and I'm trying to see the best in everything. Let us continue to pray for each other here and remember that God is here for us and one another. Knee-mail is the easiest thing I know!
Take care,
Good Morning Kat,
I need prayer for my car and my back. I was in a bad car accident last night. My car might be totaled. My back is hurting, though nothing was broken. PTL.
Please pray for the other drivers involved, as they were walking around, but the one lady was very upset and her mother was yelling at me, threatening me at the scene.
Please pray for my finances, as this could really hurt me.
I ask for prayers for a very good friend of mine. The devil is really trying to invade her space. She has really been down in the dumps to the point where she doesn't feel like this life is worth living anymore. I know these very same depths and am trying to my best to encourage her as others have done for me.
Kat just need some prayers for myself that this pain will go away real soon.
Keep praying for a friend at work her husband is in intenstive care after having quatriple bypass. They were going to put a stint in but had to do all of this because all of his veins were 99% blocked and was luckie to be alive.
The other one goes to the doctor this morning to find out the date for her surgery.
I'm asking prayer that somehow I'll be able to get my 5 year obesity history together for the insurance co. Some of my records are at another office. Also I get differing requirements from everybody I talk to as to what they need. So if I could get some extra prayer from you wonderful folks I'd surely appreciate it. Thanks a million. Karen