Monday morning coffee talk....all about YOUTH!
Good Monday morning ya'll. I hope you had a good nights sleep and a WONDERFUL weekend. I know I did. I slept great and had a wonderFULL weekend.
Our challenge today is to encourage a young person. If we don't encourage our kids, the world will and it may not be in a good way that the world does it. I'm a firm believer in kids and in them doing great! I'm a firm believer in building them up and not tearing them down. I challenge you today to join me and encourage EVERY young person, youth, teen, kid, whatever you may call them. Tell them how great they are. How beautiful they are. How smart they are and also that they can do ANYTHING they set their mind to. They hear too much negativity and destruction and it is up to you and I to change that. Join me today?
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? The flavor of the day comes from our very own Dayner Dee. Door County Morning Blend. I love it! It's so bold, rich, and good! Gotta love it.
I pray you all have a great day encouraging EVERY young person you come in contact with!
I agree Randall and I have a 14yr old daughter and I know how fragile their thoughts of themselves can be. Their peers can be cruel if they don't fit societies picture of how they should be. My daughter is so pure and loves the Lord so much that she hardly fits in with anyone her age. It is sad yet I tell her to not compromise because the Lord has just the right friends for her that will be likeminded and she doesn't has to settle for less thasn His best in anything.
I am sipping reg. coffee w/SF vanilla creamer.
Pray I can exercise today and not hurt shoulder or knee.
Have a blessed one...
Joan M
Good Morning Randall,
I work part time at a psychiatric hospital and most of my groups this past weekend were with the children and adolescents. Some of these kids are from really bad home situations and have some serious mental illnesses as young as they are. It breaks my heart to hear some of their stories.
God has placed a special burden on my heart to pray for these young people.
I am sipping my iced green tea with splenda.
Have a blessed day.
Hello Randall,
It is always amazing to me how God sends confirmation to let me know that I am not out in left field for a few weeks now I have sensed the urgency to begin praying for the youth of this nation and for a revival for the things of God to break out in their lives. My youngest child who is my only son and 17 years old was having a hard time truly embracing the things of God, because the world and its standards were seeming to have a stronger hold. I began to minister to him and just remind him of those things that God says about him and that he is a "leader". I just began to pray for his heart to be turned back towards the things of God, and that his eyes would be open to see the way that Satan was deceiving him and trying to seduce him.
So yes, I do agree that this is what God is calling for in this season, for us to encourage our youth and to reassure them that they can live their lives loving God w/o compromise.
Thanks for your sensitivity to the Spirit of God!
Good evening Randall....I'm catching your post late again.
Ron's was closed this AM because they had a breakdown of their walk-in, alas, my Monday didn't start well because I had to go to Starbucks for my coffee. I certainly missed Alma's cafe con lech w/splenda....without a doubt.
And....this was my first day on the new job at Carnival. I'm overwhelmed to say the least. Of course, I guess that is expected with any new job.
I have three adult children (my baby turns 21 next month) and I still feel it important to encourage them. Life has it's growing pains and I just pray I've equipped my children with the knowledge of Whose Power they can rely on!! And, then there's our grandchildren....I know God made grandparents so we could have a 2nd chance at parenting.
As always, you have blessed me, my friend.