
He asked me to order him a Bible!!!

on 7/29/07 5:10 pm - SW, MO
I am so weepy today. My husband went to church for the second week and tonight he asked me to order him a Bible that was easy to understand so he can read it!! I am in awe of God and his Spirit that draws us to Him. 3 years ago DH said I could go to church-IF I didnt talk about it. I started going and made the mistake of pushing him at first-I just pushed him away. Then I felt in my spirit that I must let God do it because I couldnt do it anyway. So I prayed every night for 3 years. I wept on the floor when my husband would say something hurtful about my faith. I saw no progress for 3 years. Then he started going to Dave Ramsey Financial Freedom 6 weeks ago at my church. Next he decided we would tithe no matter what. Then He told me he would start going to church on Sundays and he started last week. Today He went to the men's Sunday School for the first time (we have a bunch of classes I just choose to go to an all women's class and he went to an all men's) Tonight He asked for the Bible. I called my pastor's brother (who is the men's Sunday school teacher) and asked for a good one and he recommended the NIV Life in the Spirit Study Bible. I have been saving money to go to a Joyce Meyer Convention but I used some of it to buy the Bible because it is more important than any convention. All of this to say-Praise God!!!!
Joan M.
on 7/29/07 10:21 pm - Lexington County, SC
Praise the Lord Amy He is faithful....Jer. 31:3 says with longkindness He draws us...and it is so true we forget the same God who called us can call those we want to know Him. You have encouraged me to not lose hope that my sisters and brothers and their families are also in His thoughts and He will draw them as He did me. I will wait upon the Lord for His salavation of each of them (I have 8 brothers and sisters). Thanks for sharing.. Joan M
Patricia R.
on 7/29/07 10:32 pm - Perry, MI
Praise the Lord. God is so good. It always amazes me when I step back and let Him do the work, how He moves in the lives of my loved ones. I am praying for my mom, as she is struggling with God these days. I am hoping He moves in her life the same way. Hugs, Trish
Sally A.
on 7/29/07 11:43 pm - Martinez, CA
Sweetie - congrats on the good news and thank you Jesus for being faithful. I don't know if you have a walmart near you, but I bought a Bible for $10.00 and it is a simple - no frills- easy to read - simple to understand version of the TRUTH! Yeah!!!! You do not need to spend great amounts of money to give your husband the book of Living Water. Sally
on 7/30/07 3:51 am - Brookhaven, PA
Amy...Praise God!!!! That is an awesome testament to the power of prayer! I do believe that when we pray that we need to pray in faith believing that it is already done!