Daily Prayer Requests 20th July 2007
Good am all,
Please say prayers for me this am as I've got a LONG busy day ahead of me with many errands and 4 kids to care for. Please continue to say prayers for all those here and those they are asking prayers for and lets not forget to pray for guidance and remember that when one door closes another opens sometimes more than that. Please say some prayers that we might all have wonderful days and for every negative let us find to strength to turn them ALL into positives.
Have a GREAT day/weekend!
Father I am praying today for my husband to continue to grow in his job. You are so wonderful to provide for our needs daily. Also please asssit me in my search for where you think I should work. If this is the job, let it be clear. If not let the right door open. Finally assist me in my walk with WL. I stumble and falter at times, I grow weary of caring at times. Lift me up, encourage me and help me to be good to myself. Amen.
My prayer requests for today are:
1. For my son (who's my youngest child ,17), that God would reveal himself to him in a fresh way. Also, for my son to have an awareness of God's grace that covers his life!!!!
2. For my paperwork to be approved by my insurance company quickly when it is submitted nexxt week. Also, pray for the people who will be reviewing it for God to move on their hearts to approve my paperwork w/o delay.
3. For the youth of today. Pray for a revival to break out in our nation among our youth, that they will have a hunger and thirst for God and his righteousness. Pray that the scales be removed from their eyes for them to see how the enemy is seducing and enticing them with the things of the world. Jesus is Lord!!!!!