Prayer Requests 10th July 2007
Good am all,
Please say some prayers for those who must work in the heat being that it is very, very warm. Maybe they stay refreshed, nourished and cool if possible. Please say some prayers for all we are blessed with. Food, clothing, shelter, family, friends and God. Also, please say some prayers for one another and remember words of encouragement can change someone's whole day!
Take care,

Good Morning from Sunny and Beautiful California - we may all be a bit nuts out here, but it sure is a beautiful part of the physical world.
Prayers for today are:
1. My brother Allan as he deals with being a new Grandfather, and for his time with all of his daughters (very long story). May he being a Christ Follower like Christ would have him be.
2. Pray for my job situation - if I am suppose to get a different job - make it easily apparent.
3. Pray for my son Jordan - may he find the time to be a Christian man in the eyes of his family always. May he lead them toward the Light of the World with his actions, not just his lips. May he rest in the Lord always and have as much a thrist for the Word as he has for the law. (He is in law school, full time working parent and husband - very tired, and sometimes might get his priorities a bit backwards - who doesn't, but I love him so much that I want to cover him in prayer and grace.)
Thanks, Sally
Good Afternoon,
1. Please continue to pray for Bob and Ruth. I have heard no word on his condtion since first thing this morning.
2. Please pray for my finances. They are a disaster, and I want to not look at my bills for fear of having an emtional meltdown.
3. Please pray for me to be strong in the Lord. I get so tempted to give into my flesh and act out this week.