Prayers...I'm so humbled
I am humbled and happy to say that I am being ordained! This is something I have longed for and waited for, for so long. I knew at age 10 that I was called into the ministry. I told my Pastor at age 10. He told me to pray and "listen" to God and to read the Bible everyday. Then, as a teen, I wanted to do my own thing and I shunned my teachings and what I knew was right. I drank, did drugs, many things I regret. I would come in at night and go to my Mom's room just to listen to hear her breath, grunt, or snore to make sure she hadn't gone to heaven and left me. I was SO convicted. Then at age 20, I came back to God. Thank God for salvation and forgivness. Still knowing that I was ''called'' I didn't pursue that calling. It took me many years to get pass the THINKING that I couldn't and I wasn't good enough (all related to obesity thoughts) to get to the point to REALIZE that GOD HAD CALLED ME. If He calls you, He equips you. Now, at age 40, I'll be 41 next week, I am being ordained. August 11th I will be an Ordained Minister. I only wish Joie were alive to see this. She wanted to see this the entire 18 years we were together. I don't mean to keep bringing her up in things, but she was my life. I KNOW SHE WILL BE THERE THAT DAY TO SEE IT though. For once in my life, I feel so SECURE! So happy. I KNOW that I am in the PERFECT will of God. What a feeling. Will you keep me in your prayers? I would NEVER want to let God down. I would NEVER want to let HIS people down! God bless you for letting me ramble.

Congratulations and Praise the Lord. That is so awesome. God is so awesome in the way He works in each one of our lives.
I understand about wanting Joie to be there. When I went to visit my new granddaughter, I really wished my brother could be there. He adored my daughter, and would have been ga-gao over this little one. He always called my daughter "Scooter." When I was in Michigan, I heard my daugher call her daugher that.
Praise the Lord for His goodness in your life.
You are an amazing man. Thank you for sharing your joy, your pain, and your journey with us. I am positive that you will have God's annointing as you continue in ministry. May you continue to seek Him in the midst of the storms, and may you experience the sunshine even as His Son shines through you.
God bless you,
Pastor Randall,
I just wanted to use the title bestowed on you by men. In God's eyes you have been a Pastor since he created you. "I knew you in your mother's womb" - "some are called to be Pastors". I do not know who Joie is, but I am sorry for your loss of someone that important in your life. May the blessings of the Lord be with you today and always.
I am soooo happy for you!! If you are half as inspiring to others as you are to the folks here, I'm sure God will be well pleased with you. I don't often post but everyday I've gotten used to reading your posts. It's such a great uplifting way to start the day!. I am sure you will touch a multitude of lives. Congatulations!!!!!!!! Karen