Daily "Thankful For" List 13th June 2007
Good am all,
What are YOU thankful for today?
I am thankful for...
1) The wonderful thunderstorm(s) we had last pm. I love them, rain and we need it for the garden to keep growing our veggies and fruit. I also enjoy the cooler temps.
2) My beautiful 6 1/2 year old who will be graduating kindergarten this am and I get to watch! It will be so great I'm sure. She's come so far in life from being born 2 1/1 months early and struggling for a few months in the NICU/PICU to being a smart, healthy funny little gal.
3) For my strengths God has blessed me with and my ability to use them and for my weaknesses which I am learning and growing in/from.
Have a blessed day...