Tuesday coffee talk
Well good morning everyone! Time to rise and shine! Gotta get going this morning. I hope you have the best day of your life today!
Our challenge today is to awaken! Awaken out of your shell. Awaken to the new you! Awaken and realize the tool you have in your hands. Awaken to realize the opportunity that is in your hands. What tool? What opportunity? The tool of WLS. The opportunity to become the YOU, you have always wanted to be. Awaken and look in the mirror to see the changes that are taking place EVERY day in your life. Even if you are like myself and years out since you had WLS, you still see changes. You are becoming a NEW you. So awaken to the NEW you today!
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on some awesome Harry & David's Chocolate Cherry. Man! If you could have smelled my kitchen as this coffee was brewing! WOW! You can order a sampler on line at http://www.harryanddavid.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/BECPr oductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10002&categor yId=3&category=TC3&productId=59102&topCat=Entrees+%26+Entert aining&subCat=****tails%2C+Coffee+and+Teas. Sorry for the commercial here but I get so many emails wanting to know where I find my coffee. This was was sent to me this past week from Carmen and Mr. John. They made my day! Shoot! Made my week! HEHEHHE Thanks again guys!
Ya'll go out and make today the BEST day you can make it! Be blessed!

Why are you up so early?? I love reading your coffee talk, I look forward to awaken to the new me after my surgery on the 25th. Just pray that my PAT goes okay and my surgery does not get canceled. I have been waiting so long for this that I am waiting for something to go wrong, The Dr is doing me as an add on. I'll be praying that all PATs are good and Surgery goes well, so I can be healthy for my family and my new life. Thanks for the coffee talk Randall. God Bless, Cindy