Daily "Thankful For" List 11th June 2007
Good am all,
What are YOU thankful for today?
1) I am thankful for a nice, relaxing weekend with little or no drama!
2) I am thankful for the pictures we took this weekend and how great they turned out.
3) I am thankful my family and friends who've been so supportive of me with the projects I'm working on.
4) I am thankful to God for blessing me with a fresh start on a brand new day!
Come on share!
Have a GREAT day!
Today, I am thankful for...
1. My husband and how he continually shows his love for me in so many "little" ways.
2. My church family, that really has become "family"
3. The opportunity to even consider having WLS as an option to become healthier.
4. That I was able to get through three days last week doing the special before surgery diet (I was just practicing to see if I could do it, I will continue this week!)