Daily Prayer List 11th June 2007
Good am all,
I hope everyone had a nice weekend!
I'd like to ask that we all pray for those serving our country here and abroad and that they be safe and protected and come home to us soon. Please pray for my daughter as she is not feeling real well this am but wants to participate in Field Day at school something fierce. Also, please say some prayers for me as I am having a bit of an issue with my neck and back. I think its something minor hopefully.
God bless,
Good Morning Everyone,
Kat, I will pray for thse issues today. My prayer for today are:
1. Pray for some people that are very dear to me, their marriage is strained right now. I want to pray for God's complete restoration and healing to take place in their marriage and that each of them will be sensitive to the voice of the Lord!
2. For us to find an inexpensive camp for my grandaughter. My daughter cannot afford it right now, so my husband and I am going to have to cover the expense of it with our already stretched finances.
3. For all of my Christianity Forum friends for God to grant you all the desires of your hearts.
My prayer is that my PCP's phone call the the insurance company underwriter will be all that it takes to overturn my denial. i talked to my case worker at the Surgeon and she said that this doctor is really difficult ( the insurance doc).
I also pray my blood pressure stay up just over 140/90 like it was the other day because it give me a co morbidy that I need.
For my family that they have the strenght to coninue to be patiend with me as my health is declining and they are having to do much more me.
I feel helpless and hate that they carry such a load, but I also rejoce in the day I can return to my home chores. (Who would of thought cleaning hosue woudl be a dream). That is another great prayer that the Lord resotre me completley to become this strong powerful woman inside and out in Christ for HIm
In His Grip,