WOW ~Bean Bread
Have you tried Bean Bread yet?
Bean Bread is available in the following flavors ~Plain ole' Bean Bread, Banana, Banana nut, Pumpkin spice, Pumpkin spice nut, Pumpkin spice raisin, Pumpkin spice raisin nut, Apple, Apple nut, Apple raisin nut, Apricot date, Apricot date nut, Lemon Poppyseed, Almond Poppyseed, Peaches n' creme. I can do specialty orders of Raspberry, and Blueberry but they cost more due the high cost of the fruit. All varities of Bean Bread have no added sugar, and no added fat. Each contain between 6 and 8 grams of protein per serving.
Bean Bread sells for $3.59 cents per 1# loaf.
Until I get my web site set up people can place their orders by sending an e-mail to annettelewis1957@ or by regular mail send request along with a check or money order made out to Annette Lewis to:
Bean Bread
C/O. Annette Lewis
1563 S. Hambleton
Westland Mi. 48186
God bless,
May God bless you always