Tonight's mid week service
I went to mid week service tonight and the message was vey good, it was titled "When the Temptation Comes" , notice it said "when" it comes and not "if" it comes!
Basically it was talking about the "wilderness" experiences we have in our lives and that in some of those experiences, we are led in to the wilderness as Jesus was( Mat.4:1-11), and the purpose that God intended for Jesus being in the wilderness is so that God could prove to the devil who Jesus was! What is God proving to the devil about us in our wilderness experience?Then on the other hand there are some wilderness experiences we stumble in to because we have not trusted in God's direction for our lives! (Prov.3:5-6). Also the part that really blessed me was when he said that Jesus was not led in to the wilderness to be tempted by evil...but by the evil one! (James 1:13) That was such a revelation for me, there was nothing evil in Jesus that is why he could not be tempted with evil, but, by the evil one!
The enemy can only tempt us with evil if there is something in us that is connected to evil, just like a magnet is drawn to those things that attracts it! The question is Lord is there anything in me that the evil of the evil one can connect to?
I am really having to search my heart now. I pray that this was as much of a blessing for you all as it was for me. Sorry to be so long, and there was plenty more that was shared, but I just gave a brief overview.
Thanks for sharing that with us. I love the fact that we can only combat Satan's temptations with scripture and that Jesus modeled that for us while in the wilderness. I also appreciate that we learn how Satan twists scriptures to tempt us, as he did with Eve in the garden. That impresses on me the importance of knowing scripture well.
That was really a powerful message for anyone to hear. Temptations come at us all the time. WLS is only as good as the person willing to walk through the valley to the other side. For me - on a daily basis - I struggle to remove all the things that draw me toward food and away from the Lord. This sight is the one place I know to go when I am in trouble because you all set my feet on the path towards the Healer of my hurts. Thank you for sharing and I love you all.
Feeling His Love This Morning!!!! Sally