Patricia Hagmaier
on 5/24/07 5:42 am - Wehonah, NJ
Hi everyone, My name is Trish, 39 and married. I have 3 kids 18 year old Kristen and 16 year old twins Juli and Scott who are the light of my life. My husband Darrin is also obese and considering surgery. I am awaiting insurance approval as of now and am asking for prayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am currently at 256, now I know there are so many other who are in much more desperate need, but I am in su*****readible pain on a daily basis due to my back and legs and struggle to breathe. I truley need to lose 126lbs to be healthy though the physciatrist told me not to get my hopes up because we only are supposed to lose 30% of our body weight. However, I have faith in the Lord to take me where I need to be. I ask for another prayer, for a couple years now I have been severally back sliden in part to my weight. I hate going out in public. I don't go anywhere except work. My husband does all the errands for the most part. I used to be so independant years ago. I literally have not one friend and I am a very social person. I long for the day where I am in service at church again. The other and just as important. I NEED TO QUIT SMOKING FOR SURGERY THIS WEEKEND IS MY GOAL AND I NEED AN ARMY OF PRAYER. My husband smokes and is my greatest trip up. PLEASE PLEASE I AM ASKING EVERYONE, CALLING EVERYONE TO PRAYER FOR ME. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT TO ME TO QUIT, NOT JUST FOR SURGERY, BUT TO SAVE OUR HOME, MY HEALTH, MY LIFE. I am so grateful you are hear you have no idea. I haven't talked to brothers and sister in Christ in so so so long. Thank you for being here you are Gods grace via the internet. Trish
on 5/24/07 7:42 am - Washougal, WA
Oh Trish I so know what you are going thru. I smoked for over 30 years till I got chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at age 49. Even tho it was hard to breath I still wanted to smoke. It took LOTS of prayer and patience but I am now 8 years without a cigarrette and can't stand the smell anymore. It's really hard but the pay off is eventually so worth it. Think of it this way you won't be able to enjoy your new body to the fullest if you keep smoking and end up not able to breath. There are soooo many things I can't physically do anymore because I only get 1/3 the amount of air that a normal person can. Everyone worries about lung cancer, but trust me this is almost worse because you don't die from it, it just ruins your ability to live life the way you want to. I'll keep you in prayer and let me know how you are doing. Everytime you want a smoke pick up your Bible and read, it'll distract you till the craving goes away. You also might want to ask your doc about some of the new meds that can help with the cravings. I used Zyban and it helped alot just to get thru that feeling like your guts are twisting. Best of luck!!!! Karen
Sally A.
on 5/24/07 7:49 am - Martinez, CA
Hello Trish, I use to smoke - years ago, but a wise doctor told me how bad it was for my children and that if I did not quit he would not be my OB-GYN. Well I did quit and it was not easy, but that was 29 years ago. I wish I could tell you that I no longer crave cigarettes, but that would be pointless. I do crave them - still after all these years, but like most things in life I take it one day at a time. You can do this also. Now as for the nut case who told you that you will only lose about 30% of the excess body weight - I say this - BS!!!! I have lost almost 100 lbs in 4 months and I give all the praise to Jesus for this miracle. If you can find a Celebrate Recovery group in your area (or start one at your church) you will be so happy. I love mine. I get connected with my steps and work them - you can find your way through this with the Lord and your own free choice. Praying for you - Sally
Patricia R.
on 5/24/07 11:24 am - Perry, MI
Hi Trish, I am also Trish. Trish Reilly. I am so glad you joined us here. The Lord is good, in all that happens, His goodness stays constant forever. I will gladly pray for your needs as you shared them. I cannot empathize with quitting smoking, as I never smoked. I can empathize with giving up an addiction, since I am a recovering alcoholic, and struggled with giving that up at times. God's strength is shown best when we are at our weakest. My niece just told me about a new drug that is showing promising results with people who are trying to quit smoking. You may want to talk to your primary doctor about that. I am not sure what your doctor told you about expected weight loss. My surgeon expects me to lose 66% of my EXCESS body weight by one year out of surgery. That would be more than 30% of my weight at the time of my surgery. I would encourage you to try to attend your church when you can. If you are not able, see if you can get connected to any women there in spite of your inability to attend. I would not have been able to get through my surgery, or my divorce 6 years ago, without my friends from church. Hang in there. Hugs, Trish
Sally A.
on 5/25/07 8:14 am - Martinez, CA
I just wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing. Loved the email address by the way! In His Grip Daily - Hourly - Minute by Minute Sally
on 5/25/07 2:39 pm - Washougal, WA
Hey kiddo just checking to see how things are going. Let us know how you are. Satan is gonna try to beat you up by making you think you're a failure if you give in and smoke. Don't let him have the satisfaction. You may fall along the way but remember you can always quit smoking again if that happens. My sweet hubby used to remind me when I'd say what a loser I was for having a cigarrette, that I haven't failed I just haven't succeeded YET, but I did eventually succeed. None of us are perfect but we always have another chance to strive for our best with each new day. Keeping you in prayer. Karen
Patricia Hagmaier
on 5/30/07 9:24 pm - Wehonah, NJ
Thank you Karen, You have no idea how badly I needed to hear that this morning. I tried so hard yesterday and blew. So I am going for it again to day. Please pray for me. I am going for it all the way. God is moving in a big way I can see and feel it. In Him Trish
on 5/31/07 2:04 am - Washougal, WA
So good to hear from you! Remember don't beat yourself up if you slip, just admit you you did and ask God to renew your sterngth. He will always be there to help us back on our feet. Every day is a new opportunity for success. Just think how annoyed satan will be when you make it thru another day and he hasn't been able to tempt you! I know all of us here will keep you in prayer so keep us informed on how you are doing and if there's anything else we can do to help. Karen
on 5/26/07 7:17 am - Sunny South, FL
You are in my prayers.....We are weak in ourselves but God gives strength to accomplish the impossible.luvitsunnyv
Joan M.
on 5/26/07 8:39 pm - Lexington County, SC not forsake assembly with the Brethren. That is what the Lord says to not do..why? because without fellowship and sitting under the teaching of God's Word you are more vulnerable to the attack of the enemy (satan). You cannot know the Lord intimately enough to trust Him without being in the Word and fellowship. Please find a good Bible teaching church and go. Your weight is not an issue with the Lord...He loves you with a neverending love and sees you as precious. You pray for your husband to quit (ask him to with you) and see what the Lord does. If you are unfamiliar with Calvary Chapels go online and check them out. They teach the Word and I know you would not be led astray. Trust Him to complete the work He has started in you. Are you sure you are "born again"...without that you will not have the power to obey. Please do not lose hope. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith. In His love, Joan
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