Just need to know if....???

Sally A.
on 5/19/07 12:36 am - Martinez, CA
Ok - have any of you experienced this post surgery - excessive air coming from the tushy area??? Yes we are talking gas here. Not the smelly kind, not the silent, but deadly kind. No just the loud kind and the often kind. It does not seem to be associated with any particular food group, but it is all the time. My hsuband has taken to calling me "wind bag". Any ideas??!! Any one else??!! Help - it is getting to be a bit embaressing. Still Loving Him - even with all this!! Sally
Joan M.
on 5/19/07 8:28 pm - Lexington County, SC
Sally, I find that when I eat SF candy of any kind or other things with sugar alcohol (like protein bars) that it happens. AMinly just the noise like you said..not smelly or offensive other than the sounds. Joan
Sally A.
on 5/20/07 12:10 am - Martinez, CA
Thank you - that was very helpful. Have I told you lately that I love and appreciate you? Well I do. I barely know you (in the eyes of the world), but I feel like I have known you for years. Thank you for all your loving ways and support. Sally
Joan M.
on 5/20/07 4:10 am - Lexington County, SC
Have you been reading my profile again? Did I make you cry? I love you too Girlfriend. Isn't it wonderful that we do not have to meet in order to love. So contrary to the world. Our love is based on the love of Jesus Christ. I appreciate you too and your verses daily minister to me that I know are from the Lord. Have a great day and maybe when we move to CO we can drive to CA and visit you along with our other friends in CA. Joan
Patricia R.
on 5/19/07 10:22 pm - Perry, MI
Yes, I suffer from it too. I am going to increase my use of GasX. Hugs, trish
Sally A.
on 5/20/07 12:12 am - Martinez, CA
I will get some - if you tell me that it is somewhat helpful. Most of the responses I have gotten is that it comes with the territory. I keep thinking it is the way I drink the water - perhaps to "gulpy" or as Joan said "sugar alcohols". tnanks . Sally
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