Please Help Me Pray!?
I have a wonderful friend who I was on the phone with last night till 12:15 a.m. She is having a hard time right now. As a single mom and also as a Christian. She has not back slidden on God nor has she turned her back, but SO many bad and negative things have happened in her life till she don't believe God has any type of Good thing planned for her. She says she don't don't think He wants to bless her or help her because she has begged Him to do so for so long. In December of this year, her DH divorced her. Her Mom passed away, and she sees her Dad's decline and her sister has bad things back to back happening and she says she just does not think that God wants to do anything good for them. I prayed with her and talked to her about having faith in God and believing when she prays. I told her that God DOES love her and it is his DESIRE to bless her but she had to believe when she prayed. She HAS to have faith! She has to put her faith in action because faith w/o works (believing/action) is DEAD!
Please pray with me that God will PROVE himself to her. Not that He has to. He is God. I am just asking Him to show her His love and mercy and that HE WILL bless this family!
Join with me in prayer for her? THANK YOU!
Randall, I am praying for her. Through all these past six months that we have gone through with Paul's job and my mom's lymphoma, what has kept me going is God. I just hung onto Him. Someone who doesn't even know me or know what I am going through came up to me and told me he could just tell something was going on with me. I told him what was going on and he told me just to hang onto God, so that is what I have done. I knew God would take care of us as well as my mom and He has. His will is always best. I pray your friend will find whatever lesson there is to learn from this experience and will continue to hang onto God. I am also praying for you that God will always give you the right words to say to encourage her.
I will pray for your friend too. Life can be overwhelming at times, she has to know it happens to everyone at one time or another. Sometimes The Potter has to break or rework His clay to make a better stronger pot. We don't like it but it will make us more beautiful in His eyes. She must listen for that still small voice inside her for the answer. I pray she will open her heart and continue to love the Lord. Karen
I just sent up prayers for her. I don't believe God sends these hard times, but I do believe that if we stay close to Him during the rough places we will later see that we often grow a lot during these times because He is the only thing we have to old onto. I also pray for you-that God will put the words in your mouth to comfort her and that you will know exactly how to help her find her faith in his desire to bless her. Hugs-Amy