Father God, I lift up Patricia to You Lord who knows her situation and even how uniquely she was formed by You. Please Father remind her that as 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, "No temptation has taken you except that which is common to man but God will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear and when you are tempted He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." Father bind the enemy on Patricia's behalf and show her your faithfulness to make a way of escape for her. Father, please let her see the victory You already have won on her behalf through the corss of Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Name..Amen
God always makes a way of escape for us from temptation. We are told to flee...don't look don't touch..just flee.
Where can you flee? Into the Word of God and into a loving but Holy God's arms. There is your safety Girlfriend and your comfort. Trust God when he says He is the God of all comfort. Nothing satisfies like He does. Do not LET the enemy get a foothold.
In His love,
Joan M
Dear Trish,
They say that confession is good for the soul and I believe that. I also believe that sometimes we confess what we have done, but not why we have done it. Please take some time today to really study why you are allowing yourself to fall into these old patterns. If it is a child, husband, or friend, you must lay that person on the alter of the Lord (as Abraham did) and give it over to the Lord. It is easier for me to write those words than it will be for you to do this, however you can do itbecause we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Here is my favorite saying now when my friends, husband or children come to me and want me to fix or approve or whatever they are looking for from me - " Oh I really have no opinion, why don't you just pray about that." I am finding that expression very liberating. You are under a tremendous burden to fix everything, but you can't. You can only give it all over to Christ, laying it at the foot of the cross and walking away. Dear Father, Please help my sister know how to fight the battles. Help her to engage only the enemy when you are fighting the battle and to walk away when the battle is not yours. Teach her new ways to deal with stress. Teach her new ways to know joy and peace. Teach her how to rest beside the still waters and to walk through the valley of shadows. Teach her a new song. A song of joy and strength. Amen.
I just sent prayers up for you and will continue to do so. Satan can attack but God already has won the fight for you. It says in James 4:7 "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." I believe we resist through reading the Word, Prayer and repenting when we have done something we know was wrong. God is big enough to catch you and he has ahold of you-just cry out to Him and he will help you. There are several books that speak to this as well. I like one by Joyce Meyer that is very inexpensive called "7 Ways to Keep the Devil Under Your Feet." You will not be lost, God is faithful and He knows the struggles you are having. Hugs-Amy