Prayer Request
Hi - My husband and I will be going to small claims court on Thursday. We are seeking money to fix a floor problem that was not revealed by the sellers when they sold us the home. In California this is a big no-no. Hopefully we will prevail and have the floor fixed, but like I said - this is California and you never know how it will turn out in California. I ask that whatever the outcome, we will be Christians in our response and that we will accept the outcome graciously. Thank you. Sally
Oh Sally! I pray that the Lord give the judge wisdom and that the judge will see what needs to be done and follow through. I pray that if any lies come into the court room, that you and your husband will have supernatural abilities to prove them as lies. I had a small claims issue, and the other person showed up with a "witness" who lied about being at the accident and about my actions. I was appauled, and yet, the Lord gave me a clear and concise way to show that this man was not there at all. The judge saw right through the other persons lies and I won. (I never did get the money from the bozo, but he was suing me, so ... maybe someday...).
Take care and let us know how it goes. ~Carolyn