Praise Report
Yesterday, Julie Campbell finally got her surgery. She went into surgery believing that she would have a very extensive and dangerous revision or possibly a reversal of her WLS but she was ready to do whatever was necessary to reclaim her health. The agony of waiting was finally over.
Hours passed before the surgeon came to talk to us. He was smiling. The news was good. In fact, it was better than good, it was AWESOME!! It exceeded what we had prayed for.
Julie's pouch was normal and all aspects of her previous WLS was still intact. She did not need a revision or a reversal. Her complications were due to SEVERE and MASSIVE amounts of adhesions (scar tissue). When the surgeon saw the massive adhesions, he expected to have difficulty in removing them because her liver was involved, however as he started seperating her organs they seperated with ease. The entire procedure was able to be completed lap. Julie's recovery time will therefore be much less than we had anticipated.
Her health has been declining since her WLS in January 2006 and this is the first good news she has heard since that time.
Praise God!!
Please continue to pray for Julie. Pray that as her body heals, the pain and nausea will subside and that she will be able to tolerate food and liquids.