Verse of the Day for April 20
Mark 4:39
And being aroused, He rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Hush, be still." And the wind died down and it became perfectly calm.
Dear Father, Help me to not be the fearful passenger on the ship, keep me from being the wild crashing sea, slow me down so I do not become a hurricane of self distruction. Let me listen to my Savior and "be still". Amen.
I didn't read this until this morning due to turmoil in my life from my sister and some very painful remarks about me and my daughter and our being Christians. I was ready to give up everything and everyone this morning at 5am and then the Lord spoke to to "Be still and know that I Am God" and then I was peaceful again...still hurt but peaceful Then I read this and know the Lord is saying trust me in this I will have victory. I suppose persecution is never not painful.
Love you guys...Joan
Have I told you that you are very dear to me? Without you I would never have found this board and this is the one constant in my ever changing world. I can always come here and reflect on who has been my Savior and how wonderful he is to me. Have a great day Joan and remember, the more they hate you, the more you must be driving Satan crazy. One of my favorite songs to sing is Blessed be the Name of the Lord. I love the lines about how even when the darkness closes in I will still say 'Blessed be the name of the Lord". I love all of you so much.
Love Sally
Yes, Sally, everyday you tell me I amDear to You because everyday you do what is needful to every believer...remind them of God's Word. There are 3,000 promises in God's Word for us and we need to focus on them and not the lies of the enemy. My best friends are always the ones who pint me back to Jesus and do not just say what they think I would want to hear and you are that kind of friend and Sister in the Lord. I love "Blessed Be The Name of The Lord" I sing it all the time...outside, inside all over. Thanks for your love.
In His love and never ending grace,
Joni (to friends and that means you guys)
Hello my beautiful friend!
I am just reading this...have been sick for over a week. Hmmm...seems to me...that I remember you telling me a few weeks ago...that I must be doing something right for Satan to be attacking me and my family as he has been! Honey, the same is happening to you! Being a Christian does NOT mean it will be easy. In is harder! But...we are promised the ultimate gift of salvation...despite the fact we don't deserve it. Just think...we are promised paradise! I know what you are going through is difficult. Please know...all of us are here for you. You have my numbers. Please know that I love you, my friend, and I will do what I can to comfort you...encourage you. I know that your pastor will give a timely word tomorrow...and can't wait to hear how you are recharged! Please let me know how you are doing!
Stephanie...I am crying sitting here..yes, I do recall saying that to my sweet friend (smile)...I just temporaily forgot who I am in Christ....I was overwhelmed at the hurtful things my sister said about my daughter who is so pure and precious and loving to everyone. My family thinks homeschooling is a horrible thing to do and that she will not be able to cope in the "real world" because she thinks you have to be holy and they say it is impossible...I tell them "you are right" it is impossible apart from Christ and Him living in you. But of course I am just a "Jesus Freak" but praise God I would rather be a Jesus Freak and on fire for the Lord than separated from Him for all eternity. I have prayed and witnessed to them for 21 years and no change. Last week our Pastor taught on Proverbs and stiff necks and hard hearts and this describes them to a tee. But I love them and will not stop praying or witnessing to them...I think the one thing that I came away with through this is that I always need to witness and share Jesus in an attitude of love. I never ever want to be a clanging symbol to anyone when speaking of Jesus Christ. I wrote an emaillto all my brothers and sisters that I have witnessed to and asked them to forgive me if I ever not showed loved to sister did email me back and say the guesses it is over and she is sorry too...yet she still ragged on my daughter an said she will never make it in the real world. I didn't respond to her.
I know God will minister to me today and He has been all day long since this happened. Please pray for my daughter as she read the email (we all share email) and her heart is broken because she loves her Aunt and feels very inferior now.
I will call you...thanks....