Addiction Transfer
Last week's People magazine had an article about addiction transfer in it. In the article they discussed how WLS patients develop new addictions, like food or alcoholism, after their surgery.
I have been a recovering alcoholic for many years now. After finding OH, I discovered the Addictions board. There, I have met many wonderful people who are struggling with new addictions since their WLS.
If you find you are dealing with excessive shopping, drinking, gambling, or other behavior since your surgery, or are already in recovery and need support, check out the Addictions Messageboard.
Hi Trish,
My wonderful husband laughingly came up to me and said to give him the credit cards after reading that article.
On a more serious note, I belong to a Celebrate Recovery group at my church. Without that group I would not make it through all the head hunger. If any of you are struggling with cross addictions or just getting through this life without falling into behavior that keeps you separated from God, please message me and I will tell you how to start a group at your church.
Loving God so much - He is Thrilling me today!
We have a dream center at my church and I go to a group called addicts victorious. I have an extremely addictive personality. I smoked for 15 years and God helped me quit 2 years ago. Food is definately one of my addictions another being soda-both I have to give up very soon(surgery May 4th) - well I do get to eat but not for entertainment. I am praying and sticking with this group to help me through any emotional w/d's I go through. If I must I will attend therapy but it is difficult to find a therapist that will respect the place that my faith takes in my life (God has to be first and many think that is a syndrome in and of itself). Thank you for alerting me to the addictions board though because that is another resourse that could be of great help. hugs-Amy