Praise report
My father- in-law and mother-in-law are in poor health, but have been resistant to leaving their own home of 40 years. Well last night, God gave me just the right words to use. I told them about my own father's battle with cancer and how he had to let his loved ones help him and give up control. Well, since the two men have very similar backgrounds ( orphans who later prospered), it just hit home. All of the kids are thrilled today that they have finally accepted our proposal to move them closer and to a safer assisted facility. God is so good! He even could use my father's cancer to bless someone else. I give God all of the Praise and Glory for He is truly an Awesome God! Just had to share! Love, Kim M.
Oh, I'm so pleased for your family Ms Kimberly. What a relief. My Father is fighting cancer & my Mother is fighting strokes & Alzheimer's. I quit work in early 2004 to help with Momma's care & so far we are all handling everything. But, I know there will come a time & Daddy is very resistent to leaving his home or taking advice ... but, not to worry until the issue needs to be handled. I just understand your situation!