Thursday Coffee Talk
Good Thursday morning everyone! Let's rise and shine! Gotta get going. Spray them pits and eat them grits. Don't wanna offend those around ya now do ya?
Today's challenge is to protect. Protect what? Protect your values. Protect your morals. In today's society, it seems as if there are NO values. No morals. Where have they gone? Where is the shivalry we men use to show the ladies around us? Where are the sweet ladies that show what true beauty is all about? Where are the parents and teachers that show our youth manners, morals, and values and what R-E-S-P-E-C-T are ALL about? Only you and I can change today. What are we doing to protect OUR values? Our morals? Those of our children? It's up to us!
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on some AWESOME Butter Nut Cookie Coffee sent to me by our sweet Bama Board Pam K. Gotta love this stuff Pam! Thanks again for sharing with me!
I hope all of you have a wonderful and blessed day full of MORALS!
Good Morning Randall,
It is so hard these days to stand up for our values. I have a client that is 18, and he does what he feels like, when he feels like it. I asked him about his value system, and he looked at me like I had three heads. It is a foreign concept to a lot of kids these days. Teaching middle school in Philadelphia, I see a lot of kids with little or no moral guidance. It is depressing at times. We had a teacher that was assaulted and he has a broken neck, not in my school, but in another city school.
Oh well, I am drinking my iced green tea.
Have a great day.
Good morning Randall and Trish!
I am new to your morning coffee talk and I thought I'd join in b/c I love anything with the words coffee and Christ in it
I'm pretty much a creature of habit, so this morning and every morning I go nuts for hazelnut. Coffee AND creamer. Mmmm mmmm!!! I'm sure this is what heaven smells like
Anyway, like you Trish, I see the effects everyday of the lack of morals in our nation (I'm a prosecutor). Christ-centered values are under attack every day, even in the courtrooms that proudly display "In God We Trust." When you have a chance, look at Galatians 5:19-21, where Paul outlines a perfect description of contemporary society. The similarities are amazing.
Okay, I've gotta run. I hope you all have a great day! God bless!