Verse of the Day for April 1
1 Thessalonians 4: 3-4
For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor.
Father, I ask for a healing of heart and mind. Help all of us on this board to grow in our faith and walk with you. For many of us the temptations that come from our new and wonderful bodies - and we thank you for them - are often a big problem. Help us to stay true to how you would have us live. For those of us in a marriage, we ask for a blessing on those marriages, strengthen those ties and bind us forever closer to you, our Lord. For those of us searching for a relationship, let us know you first and then bless us with the person whom you have chosen. We love you so much and desire to be shining lights in a world that is so dark. Amen.
Father I echo my sister's prayer and ask Father that you would use each of us to be used especially this week as we relfect on what you did on our behalf this week so long ago as you walked to the cross, not being forced but because you were obedient to the Father's will and you did it out of love for us. How can we ever thank you enough Jesus for Your sacrifice...the Lamb that was slain...we praise You for You alone are worthy of our praise and adoration and Father we pray we will be as the Name of Jesus Christ and name Christian means...Little Christ's...not that we are gods but that we are Ambassador's for Christ.
You made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us....we love you Lord and thank you...In Jesus' most holy Name...Amen
Joan M
Amen and amen.
Father, I ask that you would bless each of us with Your mind, and help us perceive Your thoughts about us. Help us to see ourselves through Your eyes, and not the eyes of man. Heal us from chidlhood and adult traumas that have skewed our perceptions of our bodies and help us to maintain our walk with You. Keep us in Your Word and remind us of Your love, which surpasses that of man. In Jesus Name, Amen.