New to Fl, love the Lord
Hi Susie,
Welcome to the Christianity Message Board. We have a great group here who love the Lord and some awesome prayer support.
What part of Michigan did you live in? My daughter lives in Perry, outside of Lansing. She is pregnant with my first grandchild. I am so excited.
I look forward to getting to know you.
HI Trish, thanks for the e-mail, and Welcome. We lived in the Flint Area, Swartz Creek, and Traverse City, our kids live in Grand Blanc, Vassar, Flint, and Traverse City, we have 16 grandkids, 3 great ones, 2 sets of twins, both sets girls, it was hard to leave them all in Michigan, but hubby loves it down here, just being able to get out all year around is a blessing. We know where Perry is, we have been thru there. I remember when our first grandchild was born, now she is the Mother of the twins that are 1 1/2 years old. We go home in May for one of the grandaugthers graduation. Please tell me about yourself, where you came from etc. God Bless you today Susie