Tuesday Coffee Talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone! It's SPRING! Officially. Time for things to bloom and for WARMER temps. I'm loving it. It's suppose to hit the 80's all this week. Time to rise and shine and enjoy the day!
Our challenge today is to do a good deed. Be genorous. Do a good deed. Open a door for someone. Help an elderly person with a task they need done. Bake a cake for someone. Take dinner to a sick friend. There are so many things you can do that would be a good deed and there are so many people around you who need "something" done. Help someone today. We haven't had this challenge in a long time. Honestly, it should be a daily challenge that we help someone! EVERYDAY! What a better world we would live in if more people would just show the love of GOD!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on some wonderful Maxwell House coffee and it is so good. Man! I LOVE MY COFFEE! No matter what kind.
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed good deed day.
The Coffee Man.

Hey Randall! How goes? I'm battling a bit of short term depression... I've had a really bad cold for 10 days now, and still feel lousy. We had great warm weather, but now it's cold again. Oh well! I'm hoping to get some rest tonight, but first:
Need to finish work
Need to meet with high school staff re: son who is a truant!
Need to meet with daughter's psychologist for status...
Ugh. I'm tired! Lord, thank You for inviting all who are weary and heavy burdened to come to You to find rest!!! That's me Lord! I'm calling out to You! Your loving daughter - Carolyn - Amen!
I'm sipping decaf coffee and decaf tea...
God bless you Randall! - C

Good evening Randal....and friends,
Day #1 on the job....I don't know if it was nerves or something I ate but my morning started off with major GI issues. You know I'm sick when I can't finish my 2nd cup of cafe con leche w/splenda!!!!!
Your challenge today is one that should be practiced Every day thru little random acts of kindness...........the deeds I like to do most are the "anonymous" ones.
Have a blessed and sunny day tomorrow.