Verse of the Day for March 20
Luke 7: 48
Then Jesus said to her, "Your sins are forgiven."
Dear Friends, This is a powerful chapter. I encourage you all to read starting on verse 36 - 50. On some days I am both the Pharisee and the woman. The picture of the Pharisee as he "silently" judges the woman and Jesus's treatment of her is quite interesting. I never noticed until this weekend that the Pharisee does not say what he is thinking out loud, but only says it quietly to himself. But when Jesus tells him the parable the "so very wise" Pharisee is "hesitant" to agree and uses the word "suppose." In my life I have been both the judge and the judged. I don't believe that I am alone in this. By the way these are not my well thought out insights, but that of my Pastor and I was so intrigued by them I had to share them with you all. My prayer today is as follows:
Dear Father,
Allow me to be a true servant and follower of Christ. Cleanse my heart of things not of God, and mold my character. Help me to be more like the woman - crying my everything on to Jesus's feet and recieving the most wonderful gift of acceptance and love. Amen.
Loved By Christ - Sally