Tax Time Prayer Request
I have a huge request. Last year, I changed my withholding by accident. At the same time, I started earning more money, and lost my son as a dependent, so I lost that deduction. The result is, I owe about $3,000 to the IRS this year. I do not have that kind of money and have no way of coming up with it by April 15th. I am about to panic, but decided to seek the Lord and ask for one of His kind of miracles. I wasn't trying to avoid paying taxes, just trying to be a good steward. I blew it big time.
Please pray for me concerning this.
Trish - I'm praying for you! The IRS is really great at setting up payments! We received a huge bill - about $3K from them a couple of years ago that came from the taxes we owed on a debt that was forgiven from my husbands past. They were great at setting up a payment plan - we told them what we could pay each month, and they said - ok. Take care dear girl! I know that just rocks my world when I have something like that happen! ~Carolyn