
Patricia R.
on 3/10/07 12:20 pm - Perry, MI
I am posting a separate post because of the e-mail default thing with the message boards. If I post a reply to your original post, it will go to your e-mail. I have heard mixed reviews about the wilderness camps for teens, so I have no definitive answers there. I can only share my personal experience dealing with my youngest who developed a heroin addiction shortly after his father left me, and he went to college. He also suffered from anxiety disorder. I took my son to rehabs to get clean from the drugs. One was outpatient, because my insurance would not approve him going inpatient. He did go to inpatient rehab twice. He also lived in recovery houses for a while. He had been kicked out of my apartment, and then his father's apartment. My daughter and son-in-law finally took him in, requiring a move from Philadelphia, PA to Lansing, MI. The time span was from December 2001 to Spring 2004. It was the longest, hardest, most painful time in my life as a mother. While he no longer does drugs, he still drinks alcohol. That really concerns me the most, because I am in recovery for alcoholism, and addiction is addiction, regardless of the substance. My suggestion is to bathe everything in prayer. Seek the Lord for your son, and keep the door open to talking to him when he is ready. My son and I were estranged for a while when he was in his addiction. I always kept the door open, and let him know I was there for him. When he got himself admitted to the last rehab, he called me first. When he got kicked out of the first recovery house, he called me first. I told him very early on in his recovery process that there was nothing he could do that would make me stop loving him, even if I didn't let him live with me because of his addictions. I hope this makes sense. I am praying for you, as my heart aches with you. Hugs, Trish
on 3/10/07 10:39 pm - Petaluma, CA
Thanks Trish. I deeply appreciate your sharing all that with me. I had a good talk with one of the members of our church last night. He's a cop here, and does the DARE program at the other high school. I've talked with him before about David, and basically, he gave me the advice that so many give. Pray. Then, it comes down to two choices - do something, or do nothing. I want to do something. I would be so sad if I looked back and thought - maybe I should have... I talked to my mom yesterday and she'll loan us 1/2 of the money we need. Thank God for my mom! I deeply and most sincerely thank God for my husband today! He's been a hero through all this. Thanks again. Love, Carolyn
on 3/11/07 1:45 pm - SW, MO
I posted under the other one before I read this one. I just tell you in case you need to look in your e-mail. hugs-Amy
on 3/12/07 8:01 am - Rockford, IL
Dear Carolyn, I am so sorry. I posted to your other post and I didn't realize it went to your email. I feel terribly about it. I hope it didn't hurt your situation. Kim M.
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