Randall's Coffee Talk
Monday Coffee Talk
Good Monday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine! It's Monday. The start of a new and fresh week!
Today's challenge is to make this the BEST day of your life. Do something for YOU! We haven't had a YOU day in a long time. Even on a Monday, you can make this your day. Buy yourself something, go to a movie, soak in the tub, take a joy ride, do something you LOVE doing TODAY! It is all about YOU today!
Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm in my new home sipping on something wonderful and although I am not on the board with you, you are in my thoughts!
Have a blessed and wonderful YOU day!
Hey Randall I am glad you are settledand I just thought...hey I can ask Randall to pray for us as we seek the Lord about selling our home and moving where the Lord wants us. We have been praying for a long time about moving to COlorado to be near our daughter and her family. It isn't logical to us because the cost of living there is so expensive housing wise. And with us approaching our 60's and not really in a career, is this wise or not. Then the Lord started moving my family to Myrtle Beach, SC wich is about 21/2 hrs from our home near COlumbia, SC. They are unsaved and my heart is so heavy for them as I have been witnessing to them for 20 years. So this is our dilemma...I surrendered my will to the Lord, that if I am to give up my desire to go to CO where my daughter and her family are saved (Praise the Lord) and move to be near my family in SC and minister to them the Love of Christ and share His Truth with them..then I will obey Him and do it. My husband said he is still praying for direction but is leaning towards SC because of the cost of living and warm weather.
Please pray for wisdom for us and for His provision for a job for my husband and for us to sell our home here for a good amount. We want to stay debt free and only have small mortgage.
Thanks to all who may respond to this.
Joan M
Dear Father in Heaven,
How can we know your will? How can we know your choice for us? We know it by faith and the joy that following your will and desires for us will bring. I pray for my sister Joan and her family. Make the joy of her decisions be full and may she move only in faith that you are her GPS. Help her and her husband as they struggle with the decisions as to where to live. Each choice she has been presented with offers a unique ministry, but she desires to serve where she is planted. Please dear Father, plant her deep.