Fibromyalgia ?
Hi - my friend has fibromyalgia and it really has no treatment that I am aware of. Some doctors do not believe that it is a real disorder others use it as a catch all for a strange set of symptoms that can't be explained. It is often mistakenly called Epstein- Barr syndrome (I think). Good luck in your quest for knowledge and I will pray for your healing.
In His Grip Always,
Kim, I do medical transcription for physiatrists (pain medicine specialists) and they treat fibromyalgia. You would be surprised at the number of people that are diagnosed with it. From what I understand there are 18 tender points in the body and if a high number of them hurt, then they diagnose it with fib. That is what I type anyway. They usually treat it with opiate analgesics and sometimes physical therapy and tell them to exercise. You might try to find a physiatrist in your area. They are usually associated with an orthopedic surgeon. Anyway good luck and God bless.
Thanks Shel, I have never heard of a physiatrist before so I will look that up. My PCP gave me Tylenol #3 and it helps some. I am not sure if that is an opiate analgesic or not. I would love to just go straight forward with the physical therapy and forget the meds totally, but at this point the pain is too much for me not to medicate. Thank you again Shel. I am sure you learn so much with your job. WOW! Kim M.
I just read this on my mom's doctors site (I am going to see him too this month). The URL is
in case you want to look at it. It is in the FAQ section
Q. I've had fibromyalgia for several years. My rheumatologist has given me medication but it doesn't work very well. At our last visit he told me I should learn to "live with it," but I'm not ready to do that. I've heard you have a different approach---please explain.
A.Over the past twenty years, I have come to realize that fibromyalgia is the result of a wide variety of biochemical deficiencies in the body. The commonest ones are adrenal, thyroid, magnesium and estrogen deficiencies, followed by B-12, iron, and omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies. Major imbalances also include chronic candidiasis and food allergy. Other causative problems for some patients include mercury toxicity (usually from dental amalgams) and the aftermath of infection from Ebstein-Barr and Cytomegaloviruses. By methodically evaluating each patient for these conditions, a clear treatment plan is possible for the vast majority of patients with Fibromyalgia. The results of this treatment are that approximately 50% of patients can be cured, and the vast majority of the rest significantly improved. So I really don't think you have to "learn to live with it." Incidentally, this approach is very close to that of Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, whose excellent book "From Fatigued to Fantastic" provides a detailed discussion of these approaches.