Hi All!
Sorry I have been MIA lately...but you will understand why in a min.
Hubby came home from deployment and I immediately got pregnant...which is what we were hoping for since we lost one while he was gone. So...I started having complications and have been on bedrest...hence my absence from the board....or at least one reason for it. We have also been transferred to SC. We are building a house, but it will not be ready until at least August...which is also when our baby is due if this one makes it. When we arrived here...I saw another dr and found out I have a subchorionic bleed (basically a blod clot) which is pretty significant in size. I was reminded that I am to be on bedrest...have also seen a high risk OB...and will be monitored carefully for the duration. The regular OB also kinda did not know what to do with a gastric bypass patient. I was told by the high risk dr that I was doing an awesome job...as all of my labs have been excellent for the past year and a half since the surgery. I did not even have to have a nutrition consult...which was fine by me...as I know NOBODY here...and childcare is difficult to arrange with hubby now working shifts. If I could actually go out and meet some people....it would help...but I have to deal with what I have got. So...bedrest it is. Nothing is going to be unpacked except what we need for the next few months since we are looking at another move. My computer is upstairs...so I can't get online as much as I used to. I try to get upstairs once or twice a day to check email if I can.
I just wanted you guys to know...I am still alive and miss ya. I hope everyone has been doing well!
My daughter is having a high risk pregnancy. She miscarried in June, and then in November developed some bleeding. She is due June 11th. This will be my first grandchild.
Is your husband career military? I was an Army wife for four years, and even gave birth to my daughter in an Army hospital 30 years ago. I understand that moving, living out of boxes, packing and unpacking a little.
Get your rest. I will be praying for this little one being formed right now. Since my daughter's difficulties, I have been praying Psalm 139 to the Lord, reminding Him about knitting my granddaughter.
Hi Trish!
I remember when your daughter had her miscarriage. I also miscarried in June, and it was hard because I had to go through it with my husband gone. He is career Navy, and returned home just before Thanksgiving. Hopefully...he will be able to retire in a few years. He has over 15 in already.
I don't like having the boxes everywhere...but with everything going on with me physically right now...I could not put it all away even if I wanted to. But...honestly...I don't see the need to unpack any more than we will use before August anyway since we are building a house.
How are you feeling? How is the job going? I am so behind on everyone now! But...the puter is upstairs...and I venture up maybe once or twice a day if I feel up to it.
Take care, and I will continue to pray for your grandbaby!
Stephanie..email me at [email protected] so I can find out where in SC...maybe I can visit you?
Love in Him,
Joan M
Hi Stephanie,
I live in California, so as much as I would like to be of help (I love S. Carolina) I just can't make it this week I don't know if you have this organization out there, but we have one here (my friends husband is the director in our area). It is called Love INC. - which stands for Love In the Name of Christ. Basically you call the organization and ask for help - they will then put that request to all the churches in the area and if someone can help they will call Love Inc and get the particulars. Perhaps if you have such an organization they might be able to help with some of the things you might need in order to stay on bed rest. Some of the things I myself participated in before I moved out of the area was basic house cleaning, grocery shopping, driving someone to an appointment. Things like that. The idea is that one church just doesn't have the resources to do everything, but if several band together more needs can be met. Take care of your self and I will add you to our prayer chain.
In His Grip Always