Leaving church need more advice-Last one I promise
I'm so sorry for posting so much, but I have been gone so it all built up I guess..LOL
I have been attending my church for 2 years. It is a very small (35 people) church and all of the people are very close there. I love every person there with no exceptions.
Here's the problem. God made it clear to me that I needed to leave this church and move to this specific new church. A few years ago, Before I even knew this church existed, God showed me I would be working with hurting girls (young women) and showing them their abba father-helping them realize that God will be a father to the fatherless or to those whose father has betrayed them.
God directed me again to start going to this new church. I had to leave all of my friends to go, but I am God's first, so I did. After getting there, I found out that this may be an answer to my prayers.
Last week (my first service there) was a graduation for 2 girls from a dream center that helps 15-20 girls at a time. I wept through the whole service. I did not even know this center existed in small town MO.
Here's the problem. I talked to my best friend from church and she was ice cold to me and made me feel I was betraying her and the church by leaving. This is the woman who said she loved me the week before. I thought she might be happy for me, but I was wrong. I am afraid to tell any of the others directly-they know through her and I am sending a letter to the pastor explaining my reasons for leaving and thanking him and letting then know I love them all and wish them well.
I am so lonely, hurt, and heartbroken. I know I was not wrong. Should I not follow God first? This really hurts though. Thank you for reading so far. Please pray for me and tell me that I did the right thing-if you think I did-Thank You Amy
Give it to God. Tell Him how you are feeling and how that lady made you feel and let Him take care of it. You are following Him and that's what you're supposed to do.
Churches are churches and there are always people who get in a snit about something. It shouldn't be that way, but I have been to many churches in my life and they all have people who get in snits.
It's normal to be lonely, hurt and heartbroken. Guess Who mends broken hearts?
You have my prayers. You did the right thing.
Dear Amy,
As you mentioned your original church is very small and as such is probably very dependent on every member to "do something" in order to make the church run. Your leaving is going to impact that entire body. I believe you should speak to your Pastor in person to let him know what and why. Ask him to pray for you and your calling. Now I am going to through a tiny wrench into this discussion and ask "Is it possible for your current church to partner with the new church" in this mission. Then perhaps you could stay with your old body, bring them into service and still meet the calling that God has laid out to you? Just a suggestion. As for your friend, she does love you. She is hurting as I am sure you would hurt if she said "I',m leaving". All she is hearing is rejection because her heart is hurting. Actions are always louder than words. Love her and spend time with her outside of Sundays and she will be fine. Right now she is feeling alone and rejected. Same thing happens all the time in all the churches around the world. Thank God it is He who sustains the body and not our presense in one specific location.
In His Grip Always,
Dr. Stanley always says, "Obey God. Leave all the consequences to Him."
I agree with all that has been advised to you thus far. I applaud you for your burden for these girls. Being a social worker/middle school teacher, I see the need is great among young women, and there are few that are called to minister to this group.
Some church members take it personally when a member leaves to go to another church. That is their problem, don't make it yours.