Has this happened to you...help!
Pray for me...I have been hurting since last night and having awful gas pains (belching) since I ate three noodles with alfredo sauce and 1oz of chicken and two pieces of brocolli steamed very tender. I had to leave church before it even started. Hubby brought me home and I took Prevacid and went to bed but hurt all night.
Took Prevacid at 4am and am still hurting with lots of gas still.
Has this ever happened to you?
Joan M
I would say the brocolli is the most likely culpret. I was told only to eat the flowery part by my doctor. Fiberous food like brocolli can ball up and cause problems it is also very gas producing so it may have just been the gas causing the pain. I had a three day horrible experience with it one time. Chicken is also notorious for being hard for some to digest so the combination may have been really bad. You could try GasX and see if that helped. If you are not better by this morning give your doctor a call. Hope you are all better. Hugs, Sandyd
Brocoli had me doubled over the other day. I certainly hope that is the problem. I am hoping that you have called the doctor - prolonged pain and gas could be a number of things.
Dear Lord of All, Please heal my sister and friend. Let this be a little blimp on the radar and nothing more, but if it is more serious, please give her the wisdom to seek help. We love you Lord and know that you have us safely in your hands. Lifting up our hands to you for help. Amen.
In His Grip Always,
Thanks for the responses....I got all from Nurse at surgeon's ofc...she said try GasX and she would ask Dr. if anything else I should do once she gave him my symptoms. I am doubled over and have taken two GasX but no relief yet. I have eaten brocolli before and this was not much at all. Also the sauce probably wasn't even a tablespoon. But chicken has never been a favorite of my pouch so maybe the combination is the culprit. I will see how I feel later. Someone suggested walking but when I walk I can hardly straighten up I hurt so bad.
Thanks again,
Ouch! If I just ate noodles alone, that would happen to me. If I just ate broccoli alone, this would happen to me. If I just eat chicken alone, this would happen to me, but the combo....I take 3 GasX at a time before I eat and 3 more after I eat almost all the time. Prevacid is good too or Prilosec or Protonix if you are a millionaire and can afford it.
Walking will help, even doubled over. Or if you can get your Hubby to rub your back, that will relieve some of the gas as well.
You have my prayers and my sympathies.
Hi Joan...I'm just getting in this evening and saw your post. I hope that you have found some relief to your pain. I was going to ask if you are passing gas...flatlulence? Do you have your gall bladder?
I haven't had pain that lasted that long (except when I had a gall bladder attack) but garlic ....the tiniest bit...will "stand me up" with discomfort and send me the bathroom in a fla**** has to come up.
I am praying just now that God will provide relief to your pain and the cause of that pain will be revealed.
Ruthanne..thanks so much..I am feeling a little better this morning. The Prayers are definitly working. I started Prevacid again Wed. evening and they are starting to help. I slept pretty good last night after using heating pad...then I had some relief from the gas. I went from 156.4 to 153.8 this morning. Not the way I want to lose. I was pretty frightened last night as I couldn't get liquids in w/o pain but then DD reminded me that was what happened when I had a raw spot on my pouch near the stoma...so maybe that is what is going on and all that was done for that last time was the Prevacid and antibiotics. So I will call surgeon this morning and see what he says today since the pain has subsided. I haven't tried to drink yet but will in a few minutes.
Thanks for the prayers and keep praying. I do not want to go in the hospital. My DD is going on her first retreat today and that would freak her if I had to be admitted.
Joan M