Migraines post-op
Hi folks, One time when I was twenty -three, I had a migraine headache. I have not had one ever again until 5 months post op. I am 46 years old now. My PCP put me on Imitrex but I can only use it 4 times a month. I really have a fear of doctors and hate to go, but the nurse said they would have to put me on a maintanence medicine if they don't subside or the number of the headaches decreases. Do any of you have migraines? How do you handle them? What medications do you take? Could this be WLS related? Thanks for your input. Kim M
Hi - I have suffered from migraines since I was 17. I get them at odd times and never quite figured out the cause. Some triggers (according to researchers) are chocolate and oranges, but I don't believe you can have those (LOL). I have the joy of always knowing when one is approaching - I get this tightening in my neck and the aura (fuzzy vision in my eye). If I pop a pill called Midrin I am ok. Now I have not had one post op and I really need to check with my surgeon again regarding Midrin, but I am sure he knows about this pill. Since I am deathly allergic to Ibrprophen I don't think it will be a problem as it does not contain any of those nasty bad things we can't have. Migraines might also be a product of stress. Perhaps a good trip to a massage therapist or chiropractor might help. I know that since surgery (5 weeks ago) I have been very stiff and sore. Planning my visit as we speak. Hope this helps a little.
In His Grip Always,
Hi Sally, Yes I do get the fuzzy vision and the aura at times. Actually, even though I was getting the migraines at times without auras I put off taking the Imitrex because I thought I could only take it when the aura came. The pharmacist set me straight.
I wish my trigger was chocolate-teee heee
A massage or chiro might be a really good thought. My stress level in addition to wls has been pretty stiff lately. I will ask about Midrin also with my PCP. Thanks again.
In Christ, Kim M.
Kim I have been having trouble with headaches a lot since surgery. I am not sure if mirgraines but I know they stay around for days...3 or more and up to 8.
Not a typical sinus headache which I had before.
I hope you can find out and Sally's suggestions were good too. I loved our chiropractor in CA ... Christian and very gentle. But haven't found a good one here in SC.
I will be praying for the Lord to heal you and Sally of your headaches...and me too.
In His love,
Joan M
Dear Sweet JOAN,
Wow Joan, sounds like you may be struggling with these nasty migraines,too. Mine can last for days as well. I only have pain on the left temple area though and sometimes but not always, my eyes will bother me or I will get spots in front of my eyes first.
Sally did have good suggestions. I have never used a chiropractor though my brother thinks his chiropractor is very helpful. I guess I am just nervous about a Dr. I have never tried before. My insurance will even cover it. I have been to a massage therapist before though. That was really a treat.
Thank you for your prayers. I too pray that you, Sally and I all get the relief we desire.
In Christ, Kim M.
I too get the migraines with aura. I do not get mine that often though. Maybe once or twice in a three to four month period. My surgeon's office suggested the Imitrex nose spray but I got tired of those and asked my doctor if there was something else. My pcp gave me a sample of Maxalt. He said it had something in it for nausea. It worked pretty good. I will sometimes get my migraine on one side of my head and then a week later get one on the other side. I hate it when they come on but at least I have advanced warning with the weird vision thing. The chiropractor does help. Since my husband lost his job and we lost our insurance too I have not been able to afford to go back to a chiropractor but it really does help.
Thanks Shel! I have never heard of Maxalt, but will investigate it. My headaches are always on the left side, sometimes there is an aura,sometimes not. Nausea can be present, but not always vomiting. The nose spray does lessen the pain, but it is just to be used only 4 times a month max. Thanks for the input, Shel! Kim M.
There is a product at health food stores called Migraine relief something or other that is put out by Hyland's. You can also get it at Walgreens. It doesn't help it go completely away, but it helps a little. I used to LIVE on Excedrin, but since that is on our
list, I can't take it anymore. I keep meaning to ask a doctor for some meds for it, but have been having trouble finding a doctor and just found one recently, but don't go bac****il March 8th, so am making do with the Hyland's product.
The best of luck to you!