You guys, I am feeling very discouraged this morning.
My hubby is supposed to get a long overdue paycheck today, but now some issues have come up and we are afraid that he will not get paid (he is a loan officer working on commissions). Also when he got up to leave the house today one of the tires on the car was flat. Sometimes I do not how much more I can take, or how much God really wants to heap on us. Hubby is also starting a new job this week, but it is 50 miles away so as you can imagine the last thing we need right now is car trouble. I am at my wits' end. I keep thinking after all we have had to deal with and struggle through, God wouldn't put any more on us. I cried in prayer all the way to work this morning and am just barely hanging on to my compusure as I am now sitting at my desk. I am trying to hang on to a bit of faith, but boy it is rough. What do I do?
Dear Poppa's Princess. Pray fervently!! Hold on hon, it is not God who is testing you but the one who wants you to be discouraged and give up is the devil. Remember Jesus in the garden the night before he died and how he sweat drops of blood he was in such emotional agony knowing what was to happen and what his flesh would suffer all for us not his own sins but ours. But God is faithful and will never allow you to be tempted above what you can handle. God has confidence with his help you can get throught anything and he will not fail you. We are here praying with you. If you have a Christian friend call them and share with them. I am praying for you. I wish I were there to comfort you. Hugs, Sandyd
Hi Poppa's Princess,
I have been a Believer for over 30 years, and during that time I have had to deal with has been the financial iussues. As I look back, regardless of how bad things seemed at the time, I was never without a roof over my head, food on the table, usually too much food, clothing and transportation. God has used some unbelieveable ways to provide our needs, including through other Believers at times. But, he has always come through for me, and He will for you too.
Knowing that God will provide all you need, please try to use this time to discern how He wants you to grow from your experiences now. The scriptures promise that a child of God will never have to "beg bread"! Take Him at His word and take a good look at what your needs are, as opposed to what your wants are. God is faithful and will take care of you.
Love in Messiah,
Thank you Ron. You touched on something that I have though about for a while now...what does God want me to learn from these times that we are going through? I tell my husband all the time that God has something he wants us to learn...and I believe that we know what it is. I just wish that somehow God could see that BOY HAVE I LEARNED, that is a promise.

You know Valena, we serve an awesome God. He usually shows us areas of out lives rather that specific things, like trust and faith, which can cover so many specifics. What I have learned from the rough financial times is that I usually need a whole lot less, and want a whole lot more. God wants good things for His children, but it's the "want's" that seem to get us into trouble.
I don't pretend to know what God is speaking tou you about, but I would encourage you to trust Him for your real needs, and think about how you can be serving Him. It's wonderful how being about God's business takes the focus of our our problems. Be blessed!
Trusting the Lord is sometimes so hard to do because "Life" hits us upside the head, and throws us curves, such as you described. I totally understand your concerns, as I have had them happen to me often.
God says He will never leave us nor forsake us. Hang onto that, and thank Him for it. He is with you during this trial. I often forget to thank Him for being with me in my messes.
I agree with the others in this post, but I have one extra thought on the subject. Yes Satan is the cause of the problems, but remember he can do nothing without God allowing it. Remember this verse - I love it so much - Luke 22:31-32 -
"Simon behold Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers."
Satan has no chance because Christ himself is praying for us! Hold fast to your faith, do not let little momentay slips get you down because we are lifted up with prayer by the Lord of Lords. When you find yourself in trouble - pray and cry but if you really want to laugh in Satan's face - sing! Sing praise to the Lord most high! Sing about His -"Amazing Love". Sing about His "Name Above All Names." Sing about "What A Friend I Have In Jesus". Sing about "Our God is an Awesome God".
Hope this finds you well and in joyful fellowship with Jesus.
In His Grip Always - Sally