Unbelieveable Darkness!
Hi All,
I havn't posted here for a while, but I need to share, and I know this is the only place on this board that I can.
Over a week ago, someone told me about another board that had a threat where you could post about anything. I posted an article there about Anit-Semitism in France that the Moderators here had pulled. I immediately got a reply from the Moderator of the other board's thread. Next to her name, she had the caption "token athiest"!
As an evangelical Christian, I immediately asked why she did not believe in God and what made her come to that conclusion. She did not want to answer, and before very long a large group of other athiests jumped in and proceed to make a mockery out of the faith, Jesus and the Bible.
I made the mistake of spending the next week and over 70 pages argueing with them, defending the faith, and making sure they heard the Gospel message. I was called uncompromising, insensitive, self-righteous, a troublemaker, a Right Wing Christian Fundamentalist Fanatic, and much more, because I had the nerve to suggest that the Bible was the Word of God and that Jesus was the only way to Salvation. What is so sad, is that these attacks came not only from the athiest hoards, but by some who profess to be Christians, but say the Bible can't be taken literally, they don't believe that Jesus rose from the dead, and disavowed most other Christian foundational beliefs. At times, I allowed myself to be provoked by these people and said some things in a less that loving way, which I apoligized for.
In over 30 years in ministry, I have never encoundered such darkness and satanic oppression. Finally, I had to back away and stop posting.
Please pray for these people, and for me to know whether or not to go back to the battle. Blessings!!
Shiloh Ministries
Ron...I just heard on CSN Calvary Satelitte Network that in the Last Days men will be Blasphemers of God and I know that is so true. It is fine to talk about anything evil but when you mention Jesus Christ...well that is another thing. God's Word also says that in the last days people will call evil good and good evil...isn't that what we are seeing?
I had to stop posting on a board because some of the things said were not edifying to body or spirit and I had proclaimed my faith in Christ and gave my opinion on something that was asked to be given opinion on. I shared that as a Christian I believed such and such and got blasted...but I know I stirred the mix and that the Lord through His Spirit would bring it back to the people's rememberance and that is what I trust that God's Word will not return void but that it will accomplish the purpose for which is what sent. Dust your sandels Pastor and move on...don't throw pearls before swine. Maybe someone will seek you out and follow up with questions...remember there are lurkers every where.
God bless and be encouraged....Jesus was persecuted too and we are His followers.
In Christ's love and grae,
Joan M
Thank-you and Bless you Joan!
First, I am in ministry, but I am not a Pastor. I need to make that clear. God's word also say's that when men pust the "knowledge of God" from their minds continually, he give's them over to a "retrobate mind", where that can't discern between good or evil. That is exactly what I saw there!
I was blessed to share the Gospel with an orthodox Jewish women, from a perspective that I think she could understand. She deneided that the God of the Tenach (Old Testament) would give a new Law (Covenent) to Israel. I pointed her to Jer. 31, and Isa. 53 and asked her is she would read them in her own Bible. She agreed, and several day's have passed, and she has dropped from sight. I believe she read those passages and the Holy Spirit is making her uncomfortable. Please pray for her. Messianiac ministry is my calling and my heart goes out the God's Chosen People.
You are right, we are in the end times and the Lord will return soon. I expect life to get much harder for Believers, and the world will continue to become more evil, but Praise The Lord, because Messiah has it all under control. Amen??
Amen Ron and Yeshua is coming to take His own home and I say "Come quickly Lord Jesus"
You know in the US we as Christians truly haven't seen true persecution but I believe we will and are seeing it now...sign of His coming. But I try to remember when things get hard that He is still on the thrown and nothing can thwart His plans they will come to fruition.
It might be today!
In His love and hope,
I am part of a Christian forum where Christians are posting about how it is okay to be sexually active while not married. When I challenged them to read 1 Corinthians 6, and see what God says about fornication, I was called judgmental. It is a sign of the times.
We are in a Spiritual battle and therefore we must put on our armor. I have to confess there are some days when I forget to dress for battle.
Pray for them, that God would open their eyes to the Truth of His love for them and their need for Him.
God bless.
Ron, we are in a battle as you well know. A spiritual battle for souls. Whenever I grow weak and get tired these scriptures strengthen me.
Hebrews 12
Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin;
You are not alone. Get up, dust your armour off and get back in the fight. In love, Sandyd
Ah, those are great verses Sandy! They were written to first century Jewish Believers who being faced with prececution and being fustrated in the faith, were contenplating returning to the Law. The put a whole new perspective on our Earthly walk and trials. Thank you for bringing them to mind.
Love in Yeshua (Jesus)