Well PRAISE THE LORD!! We have a HOME! We were able to buy a home yesterday. We got the keys last night at 6:30. It is a 4 bedroom 2 bath mobile home. Do you know what kind of peace I now have?
I had the peace of God knowing he would take care of us, but I slept so good last night. I feel as if a HUGE burden is lifted off my chest. I had the peace of God, but you know how we as men/dads are. I just had the need to know where "home" would be and WHEN it would happen. Torey, Allison, and I....along with all of you, our family, friends, and Church family, prayed and agreed this would be smooth and quick. Here it is less than 2 weeks later and we have a home. I also prayed this would happen before I left for the cruise. Well guess what!? IT DID! I didn't jump on the 1st thing I found. I had other offers and saw other homes, but this one was IT! It's not the double wide mobile home I "thought" would be it. This one is BIGGER!
I'm so excited. It is not a site built home, yet it meets our needs. It may not be a mansion and it may not be brick, but it is HOME!! We are all 3 thanking God and VERY excited. By the 20th it should be here so we can get things back to NORMAL!!
When we get it here, we can tell more of what we need. It does come with a queen size sofa sleeper, table and 4 chairs, a desk, 2 entertainment centers, a dresser, and the stove. We will have to buy a refrigerator, but hey, that's nothing but a thing! God is providing our every needs. A lot of them from what YOU have given! God IS good and HE IS FAITHFUL to meet your EVERY need. If we learn to trust in HIM!
I love you all and just had to share with you our GREAT NEWS!
Randall, Torey, and Allison

congratulations! We bought a mobile home (they really aren't that mobile are they?) A manufactured home two years ago - 3 bedrooms and absolutley beautiful - With the house prices in Cal. just totally ridiculous - we felt we really had found exactly what we needed. We have a front porch a beautiful patio and little yard, lots of room and at half the price of our cramped condo! I think mobile homes are the best kept secret in town!
May you and your family be blessed with your wonderful new home!