On my 35th Birthday..just thoughts really
I had great things planned for my life by age 35. What do they say about the best laid plans of mice and men? Anyway I know it applies here. I'm not 123lbs. I'm not a great professional with oodles of money and a perfect husband with perfect children.
I'm really nothing important at all to anyone except my family.
God uses the weak things to confound the wise
Jesus died for me and He sits in Heaven constantly interceding for me to the Father.
I finally have a father that is a daddy, an abba father, and He is strong enough to hold me up and rock me to sleep.
I am no suprise to God. He knew I would be here at this time and He loves me anyway.
I guess thats all I will write-I'm a bit emotional today, but I love my God and I literally thank HIM for all of you. Hugs-amy