A Praise
Well, Paul has an interview on Thursday. He will be driving to Atlanta which is about four hours away. Please keep him in your prayers. Well, he is supposed to have an interview on Thursday. He is trying to get in touch with the guy to confirm a time. Anyway, we are just glad to hear from someone.
Also, we found out mom has some type of staph infection and that is what is causing her fever. Please continue to pray for her. She is not feeling good at all. Her fever spiked to 102.8 on Saturday and they took her to the ER for another round of IV antibiotics. She was told that this strain of staph is receptive to antibiotics. There is a strain that is not, so hopefully she will get enough antibiotics in her to start feeling better.
I also want to thank each of you for praying for us during this time. It means so much to me to be able to come here on my bad days and know that ya'll are praying and to read your words of encouragement.