Prayers Please
Hi Everyone,
We heard from the doctors on Thursday that my mother in law, Dianne, definitely has colon cancer. It is also in her lymph glands, but we are praying that it has not metastisized anywhere else.
She has continually been before the throne of God and I am just asking to please keep her in your prayers.
She appreciates all the prayers from everyone, everywhere, and if you have a church prayer team/list, or group, please add her to it.
She is a wonderful Woman of God, and we are just praying for a miracle!
She was healed back in the late 60's from deep vein thrombosis, and she was living in Hawaii, when the Holy Spirit blew open her window, and came in her room, she was healed and was baptized in the Holy Ghost at the same time. There were witnesses there who say they saw Jesus and it was a "walking light with wind" at the foot of her bed.
She was also healed of melanoma, and when the doctors were looking at her cells in the microscope to make sure they had all the cancer cells, God told her to tell the doctor that he had it all. The doctor said,"how do you know?" She said, look in the microscope, and when he did, (He was Jewish), the cells lined up in the shape of a Cross!!!
She was also once in the hospital for cancer, and did not understand, but next door to her was a Catholic Priest, and he heard of a woman who had delivered a lady aide in the hospital of a demon (she cast it out of her, and the lady accepted Christ on the spot)...that the priest came in to meet her. She witnessed to him, and at 84 yrs old, he accepted Christ, and lived another 10 years or so and witnessed to many nuns and priests who then became saved and changed the Catholic diosese in her area. That priest fell in love with Jesus so much after that, that God used him for many more years to witness to others and share with the Catholic church about the real relationship with Jesus!!
I just wanted to give a glimpse of this woman of God, and she is now praying for God to show her why He allowed this to come to her, and she is the one person I know that will take what was meant for evil and turn it for God's glory.
God will definitely get the glory from this no matter the outcome, but we know she has many more people to touch and pray that this cancer will be obliterated and she will be able to witness to the doctors and nurses and those she comes in contact with.
Love to you all, and many thanks!!!
Thanks for praying for Dianne Schueler in Escondido, CA
Deb what an incredible testimony...I know when I am in the hospital I always ask the Lord who I am there to minister to and she sounds like that kind of believer. I pray the Lord will use her mightily during her treatment to reach those there that do not hope in Jesus and that thye would come to KNOW the Lord.
My husband lived in Escondido when we met in 1980.
Love ya Girl,