Friday Coffee Talk
Good Friday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine!?!
Gotta get up and get going. The weekend is ALMOST HERE!
What cha got planned?
We finally got to the hotel last night and someone was so gracious and kind to bring by a laptop for us to "play" with. We can borrow it till we get another. YIPPEE!! I get to talk to you guys. When I can fend off the kiddos that is!
The adjuster came yesterday and declared our home a total loss, as we knew he would. We are ready to move on and find us another HOME!
Home is where the heart is and where my babies are!
Our challenge today is to LOVE. Love makes the world go round. Love mends broken hearts. Love covers a multitude of sin. How do you show your love? What DO you love? WHO do you love? Do we show it daily? Do we prove our love? Love is the most powerful thing/action that you can show. If this world would just allow LOVE to operate in EVERY thing it did, we would have NO problems whatsoever. Let's do our part today in THIS world. LET'S LOVE TODAY!
Who's up? What cha sipping? Me? NOTHING!
I'm sitting here wanting coffee and bout to go down and get some too! I just had to speak to you guys! YOU ALL ROCK! You are ALL the example of LOVE!
I pray you have a blessed and wonderful FRIDAY! Randall 

Praise God that He is the God of new beginnings! Praise the Lord that He knew this would happen in your life and has committed Himself to walk with you! Praise God that He supplied a laptop!!!
Thank You Jesus for taking care of our every need!!!
I'm sippin' coffee with international sf, ff mocha stuff. Yum!
Praise God that it's Friday!!! Thank You Jesus for being our example of how to love!!!

Randall...our church prayed for your family Wednesday night when we share prayer requests and praise report....I am amazed at how wonderfully our God answers prayers and how He is never late but always on time. Praying for the Lord to guide your steps as you look for another house and that the finances all come together and that you know the height, depth, breadth and width of His love for you and your children....this is how others will know we are our love for one another.
I am so blessed to be able to love on the children that come to school each day as I stand as their Crossing Guard...I say encouraging words to them...sometimes just touch their shoulder and askif they are OK and sometimes have been blessed to provide them with gloves or coats if needed...I truly want to be light in this world and a reflection of Jesus' love.
May your time in the hotel be short and all your needs met by the One Who knows all our needs.
In His love,
Joan M
Not sipping just now...I just finished cottage cheese w/SF Blackberry Jam..yummm